PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Jan. 26, 2007

January 26, 2007


In every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.


--Philippians 1:18


I like those Gatorade commercials that ask, “Is it in you?” That’s a great question for us to ask ourselves when it comes to our character and our faith…is it in us?


The reason Christ-like character needs to be in us is that what is inside us will come out when we are under pressure or facing opposition. It’s at times like these when others see who we really are.


If we are going to lead someone else to Christ, or be a positive example, we have to be people of integrity and credibility. Nobody wants to follow someone they don’t trust or who is not completely believable. Your message must be livable if it is to be believable.


It’s important to remember that we are either bringing credit or discredit to the holy name of Christ by the things we do and say each day. If the people around you know that you are a Christian, then what you do and say is a representation to them of Jesus.


That’s challenging to think about, but if Christ is in you, you have everything you need to be a positive example. After all, the best argument for Christ is a faithful follower of Him!


There’s really nothing mysterious about being a good example of the Christian faith.  Just let your walk match your talk.  Make your personal witness for Christ believable and trustworthy, so others will be willing to follow the example you set.