PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - January 5, 2006

January 5, 2006


“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” --Acts 1:8


I heard about a man who was fishing in a county lake with dynamite. He’d throw a stick of dynamite in and it would blow up the fish. They would surface from below and he would scrap them off the top of the water. The game warden caught on to what this guy was doing and finally approached the man saying, “Sir, you’re in a whole lot of trouble. I want you to show me how you’ve been fishing.”


So the game warden got in the boat with the man and they went out to the middle of the lake. The man took a stick of dynamite, lit it, threw it in, and boom! Fish came floating to the top.


The game warden said to the man, “Sir, number one — you can’t fish in this lake, and number two — you certainly can’t fish with dynamite!”


The man took another stick of dynamite, lit it, handed it to the game warden and said, “Now, are you going to keep talking or are you going to start fishing?”


In our Christian witness we do a lot of talking, but not much fishing. We talk much about Jesus Christ, but we don’t direct it specifically at lost souls. The Good News was meant for lost people who are condemned without Jesus, and Christ wants to use you as His instrument and witness to bring people to Him.


Sharing Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit is the supreme service of the believer and is a means to Christian maturity. If you want to grow spiritually, then stretch yourself to be a personal witness for Christ. If you want to walk in the control of the Holy Spirit day-by-day, then be willing to be used of God as His instrument.