PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - July 12, 2006

July 12, 2006


…I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.

-Nehemiah 1:4


Faithful, everyday prayer is absolutely critical for Christians. It’s our communication with the one and only God that helps us learn His will for us. Unfortunately, though, prayer is a last resort, even for many believers!


Prayer is not a magic trick. It’s communication with God that should go hand in hand with our actions to honor Him. Prayer is not a substitute for work but a preparation for work!


Prayer focuses our attention and demands our discipline. Prayers do not need to be great public spectacles because it’s our personal and private prayers that truly move God and make a difference.


Prayer is surrender to the Lord’s will. It’s not trying to pull God into our plans, but rather it’s putting our plans in line with His will. 


It’s in prayer that we experience God and are exposed to His greatness. It’s in prayer that we make ourselves available to God.


I challenge you today to spend some time alone with God…making yourself available to Him!