PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - July 26, 2006

July 26, 2006


As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

--1 Samuel 18:1


Jonathan was the kind of man who could share in his friend David’s victory without insecurity or jealousy.


Think about that for a moment. Jonathan was the son of Saul and the rightful heir to the throne of Israel. But the very moment he met David — the man who would take his place as king — they became life-long friends. 


Jonathan could have easily been jealous of David. But Jonathan was willing to share victory. And David was able to share victory with Jonathan. 


So the question for you today is, are you willing to share success with others like Jonathan was? Can you rejoice when others succeed? 


When someone else is promoted… when someone else gets a victory… when someone else is blessed… when someone else gets the recognition… can you share in their victory, and, like Jonathan, rejoice? 


One of the tests of real faith is genuinely sharing and rejoicing in the victories and successes of others. It’s my prayer today that you will be the kind of person that Jonathan was—one who could rejoice when others rejoiced!