Power Point - July 6, 2005
July 6, 2005
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
--Romans 12:1-2
I grew up in the 1960s and for those of you who also lived through this time remember that it was an era of civil disobedience and political unrest. We were fighting the Vietnam War and other battles on the home front such as civil rights. We saw on television for the first time this kind of unrest and disturbance throughout our nation.
Much of it was unfortunately very “uncivil” because of those who participated in the protests. And those Americans were raised to be cynical and skeptical of the government and those in authority. To have hateful, extremist attitudes and actions in the name of social activism is wrong. The fact is that, as Christians, we should never have room for spirits of ungratefulness, anarchy, or skepticism. Instead we are to intercede for our country’s leaders.
You may wonder why I say this when you disagree with so much of what is going on in our nation and world, but it is so we might live in national tranquility, morality, and integrity. We pray for the blessing of God upon our own lives when we pray for those in authority.
There is certainly a proper place in our free society where we can speak out against sin, injustice, and immorality. But we must always do this according to the laws of the land which we have been given by God through our government. The Spirit of Christ and that of compassion should always be present in the heart, life, and actions of Christian citizens.
It was Daniel Webster who said, “Whatever it is that makes men good Christians makes them good citizens as well.” Intercede for your nation and leaders through daily prayer. Pray and ask God for wisdom and discernment concerning how to apply His laws to the laws of our land. Pray that God would convict those He has placed in authority of any wrongdoing and that He would lead them in the right direction to make the right decisions for the sake of our nation.