PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - June 24, 2005

June 24, 2005


The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”


Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”

--John 4:25-26


The Scripture here literally says, “The one who is speaking to you, I AM.” He gave her the private, personal name of Holy God. When the disciples returned from buying food in another city, they were amazed that He was talking with this woman. This once immoral woman met the true Christ, accepted His love and forgiveness. She took a drink of the water that satisfied. Her spirit had finally been quenched. 


What a powerful story! Jesus changed this outcast’s life. He didn’t condemn her, because Jesus loves sinners. So often today, Christians are noted for their protest, attitudes of bitters, and rancor toward those who don’t know Christ. But that was NEVER the spirit of Jesus.


He loves people right where they are—despite their failures and faults. This is why Jesus described the “living water” as a gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God…” People try to go to religious wells only to find them empty. Some have gone from church to church and from religion to religion and all of those wells are dry.


Only Jesus Christ can satisfy your soul, my friend. Stop looking for satisfaction in relationships, bank accounts, portfolios, and pleasures. Let me say this again—ONLY Jesus can truly satisfy the heart and soul. If you have unconfessed sin in your life, confess it. Lay it all out on the table before Jesus. He loves the sinner more than anyone. And He wants to bring forgiveness and hope back into your life.