PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - March 11, 2005


March 11, 2005


Not only that, but we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.

-Romans 8:23


Sometimes a little hope can go a long way. It went all the way to the altar for a young couple I had the privilege of marrying—a couple for whom almost no one held out any hope. If the husband had not grasped the glimmer of hope God put in his heart, he and his wife would be not be together.


The ceremony I officiated for this couple was actually the second for both of them. Like many today, they were both divorced. But unlike most, they were divorced from each other. They began their married lives as young attorneys in West Palm Beach, Florida, on the fast track to success—or so they thought. They were making lots of money and had all the perks. Contrary to outward appearances they were miserable and their marriage eventually failed.


But the husband—broken, discouraged, lost—found his way to a service in our amphitheater by the ocean. Something that was said in the service threw a spark of hope on the dry tinder of his heart—and a flame of faith burst forth. He left his seat and came forward and gave his life to Christ. Just like the Bible says, He became a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).


For the first time, he had hope. Slowly, he began to communicate with his ex-wife and tell her about the changes Christ was making in his life. Suspicious at first, she herself came to church with him after about six months—and his hope became her hope! She became a new person in Christ as well.


This young couple now possessed hope that something bigger than their failure and frustrations was taking shape on their horizon. They believed they now possessed not only a way to endure difficult times but a reason to endure them as well. So they joined hands for the second time in marriage—all because hope was grasped when it first made an appearance—grasped and not released until its fruit was borne.


Hope comes in different ways and at different times. But regardless of when or how it comes, hope always does the same thing. It offers the one who will take hold of it the prospect of a peaceful and fruitful future (Jeremiah 29:11). The Holy Spirit is in you to give you hope. He is just a taste of what is to come. He is the presence of the future for you.