PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007

For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.
--Psalm 103:14

The almighty God of this universe made us with His own hands. What an incredible thought! The Bible says that God stretched out the universe and flung the stars into the sky with just a word. But when it came to the creation of mankind, God seemingly knelt down and lovingly created us from the dust of the ground—just like a potter, creating something beautiful out of a lump of unformed clay.

This means that God purposely and creatively constructed us! He made us wonderfully and beautifully, even though the main ingredient He used was dirt!

I think it’s interesting that Genesis 1-2 speaks of man’s creation in such lofty terms as the image and likeness of God, yet also records that we are made of perhaps the most common element of earth, the dust of the ground. That’s why we should be careful to remain humble. We are not only made from the dust of the earth, but Scripture says that our bodies will also return to dust one day.

Does that mean our bodies don’t matter to God? Not at all! Our bodies are the temple of God here on earth. Everything we do with our bodies is a matter of great importance to Him. In fact, the Bible teaches that we are the workmanship of Christ and therefore our bodies are not our own, to do anything we want to with them.

My friend, you are the magnificent creation of God—spirit and body. So live your life and treat your body in a way that honors God and reminds you that you belong to Him!