Power Point - Nov. 14, 2006
November 14, 2006
Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.
--Proverbs 21:20
In today’s verse, Solomon tells us that it’s just plain foolish to spend everything you have.
Yet in
And as a result, many Americans…and far too many Christians…are swimming in a sea of debt.
Yet the Bible teaches that we are to save money and prepare for the future. We are to be wise in the management of our money and not live beyond what God has given us. That’s why I would advise you to deal aggressively with excessive debt in your life.
And what does excessive debt look like? Excessive debt is any debt that grinds you down, any debt that creates pressure in your family, or any debt that keeps you from giving as God would have you give.
There are many Christians who can’t begin to give what God would have them give because they’re so bound up in debt!
Each of us needs God as a partner in our finances. And today, I would challenge you to open your finances up to God if you haven’t already…and ask Him to speak to you about how you’re handling your money.
Do you have excessive debt? Then put a plan together today to begin to deal with it. Are you investing in the future of the kingdom? If not, begin to do so!
god expects us to manage our money wisely and not “devour” it.