PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Nov. 22, 2006

November 22, 2006


Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.


--Hebrews 12:28


How are you and I as Christians to respond to the gift of God’s unshakable kingdom? How are we to show Him how thankful we are?  By living for eternity here and today.


So how do you do that?


Well, first, you must live with an expectant attitude! You should be living on tiptoes with excitement and anticipation, looking forward to Christ’s return. Because Jesus says in Revelation 22:20 says, “Surely I am coming soon.”


That means suddenly…rapidly…at any time, at any moment. It was my friend Adrian Rogers who said, “We ought to live as though Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning and is coming back this afternoon.”


We ought to get up every day and think, “Lord, perhaps today is the day I see you!” I promise, it will transform your thinking…and it will transform your living when you live with an excited, joyous, expectant attitude.


The reason this kind of thinking transforms our living is because it gives us a new vantage point…a new vision for life and for the future.


This means no matter what happens to you…no matter what you may go through as a believer…you have this reference point. And you have the amazing hope of an eternity with Christ!


live your life in light of eternity and don’t be weighed down by the here and now.