PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Nov. 23, 2006

November 23, 2006


…Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


--1 Thessalonians 5:18


As followers of Christ, you and I have an amazing hope in a future spent forever with Him…in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.


And one way we are to respond to this is to live with a grateful heart today…and every day!


You know, a lot of people talk about having an attitude of gratitude. But I believe there’s a longitude and latitude of gratitude as well. Here’s what I mean by that.


If, as the psalmist says, you bless God and praise God and worship God and give thanks for all things, then eternity does not even limit the length and the depth of your blessings!


In the Psalms, the psalmist is up in the heavenlies worshiping God. He’s down in the depths of Shoal worshipping God. He’s on the seas, he’s riding in a cloud, he’s celebrating in the mountains, he’s worshiping in the desert, he’s crying out to God in anguish, even in times of anger, frustration, and disappointment. And he’s crying out to God in times of joy.


His life is made large because every experience in life is an opportunity to give thanks to God.


And when you’re a grateful person, the whole world becomes your sanctuary! Every experience in life is enlarged and elevated when you lift Him up. And as you do, you get lifted up…especially when you’re thankful “in all circumstances”!


be thankful in every circumstance in which you find yourself.