PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Nov. 7, 2006

November 7, 2006


Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.


--Philippians 3:8


In Philippians 3, we discover that true happiness comes from a relationship with Christ. 


While Paul wrote the book of Philippians when he was in jail, imprisonment could not imprison his spirit! Paul didn’t let his circumstances dictate his attitude because he was free in Christ.


Unfortunately, far too few Christians today know the kind of joy that Paul had. Too many of us are walking around tripping over our bottom lips! 


Rather than worshiping God, we’re whining. Rather than praising, we’re pouting. Satan often attacks us at the point of our joy because he knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength.


I want you to know that you can know the same joy that Paul did if you know the Lord. You see, Paul understood that joy isn’t in our circumstances. It isn’t found in ourselves. 


True joy is something so much deeper! It’s a different way of looking at life and thinking about life. It’s positive, hopeful, and optimistic. 


Because real joy is only found in our relationship with Christ!


don’t let circumstances dictate the level of joy in your life.