PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Oct. 18, 2006

October 18, 2006


We obligate ourselves to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the firstfruits of all fruit of every tree, year by year, to the house of the LORD….


--Nehemiah 10:35


Anything that is alive and growing requires faithful care. A small child, for example, requires constant care and feeding. But when that child grows up healthy and matures, all the time and effort spent is worth it!


It’s the same way with the Church of Jesus Christ. The church is a living, growing body that requires many commitments. But when its members grow strong in Christ and are able to reach others, all the effort is worth it.


Near the end of the tenth chapter of Nehemiah, the Israelites made a commitment to faithfully nurture the work of God and help it grow. They understood what so many believers here in America need to take to heart. In order for the Church to be an influence in society today, it must be supported and grown by everyone in the body of Christ.


Supporting your church doesn’t mean just darkening the door a few times a year. Truly supporting your church as a Christian means praying for your church and its leaders, serving it, and committing your families and finances to it as well.


This may sound like a lot to give for Christ, but remember everything He gave for you!


The church is God’s earthly instrument to reach the lost and share His love with them. And it needs to be supported so it can grow and become a strong influence for Christ in this dark and hopeless world!