PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - April 10, 2012


Who’s number one in your life?

April 10, 2012

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

There’s an inscription on a headstone in an English cemetery which says:

Here lies a miser who lived for himself
and cared for nothing but gathering wealth.
Now where he is or how he fairs,
nobody knows and nobody cares.

Contrast that to a memorial in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London dedicated to General Charles Gordon which says,

Sacred to the memory of General Charles Jordon who at all times and everywhere gave his strength to the weak, his substance to the poor, his sympathy to the suffering and his heart to God.

In our world today where everyone wants to be first and will step on anybody on their way to the top, as Christians we need the posture and the spirit of a servant. You are called upon to be different, just as Jesus was different… to love even as Jesus loved… to put yourself aside and consider others better than you.

Someone once told me there are those who leave a hole when they die, and those who simply fill one. That’s because when you live for yourself, no one really cares. But when you truly live for others, you’ll leave a legacy far beyond your years and impact eternity for Christ!



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Our free gift to you!

Dear Friend,

One thing that’s certain is that one day, every one of us will die. While this isn’t something we tend to dwell on, it is a reality. 

So as my Easter gift to you, I want to send you a free copy of my book, Triumph! How You Can Overcome Death & Gain Eternal Life, to show you how you can have victory over death through Christ’s resurrection power!

In this 58-page book, I remind you of what God has done for you because of his love for you. I’m confident Triumph! will help give you the encouragement you need to live victoriously. And, you can use it as a powerful resource to share God’s love with others.

So please request your free copy of Triumph! How You Can Overcome Death & Gain Eternal Life today and find out how, through Christ, you are more than a conqueror over death!             

Jack Graham

PowerPoint Ministries