PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - April 19, 2012


What happens when you’re gone?

April 19, 2012

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

I was thinking the other day about my maternal grandfather, who was a horse and buggy doctor, and would travel around checking on patients and delivering babies around the clock. He was a great Christian and a Bible teacher. And more than any other person in my life, other than my brother, my grandfather influenced me. Every evening he would put me on his knees to share with me stories from the Bible.

Because of him, I had a love for the Bible from an early age. And as I think of my grandfather, now in heaven, and the influence he had on so many lives from his children, to his grandchildren, to those he taught, I’m so grateful for his investment and the legacy he’s left.

As I’ve gotten older and seen my children have children, the role of my grandfather in my life has become one I want to be to my grandkids. I want to leave a lasting legacy far beyond my years on earth and help raise up a new generation of disciples.

Whether you’re 15 years old or 90, you should always be thinking about what’s going to happen after you’re gone and who is going to carry the banner of Christ in your place. When you do, you’ll see the importance of finding younger disciples whom you can build into and impact a new generation with the Gospel!



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Get a glimpse of eternitynow!

Dear Friend,

Heaven is so much more than a place believers go when they die. In fact, the reality of heaven should be what helps us live every day to the fullest right now!

So to give you a better glimpse of the wonderful reward that awaits you—and to help you live each day in light of that promise—I want to send you my 5-message series called Eternity Now.

In this eye-openingseries, you’ll not only be encouraged as you learn about the eternal, glorious home God has prepared for you as a believer. You’ll be strengthened to make a difference in the world today.

So please request a copy of Eternity Now on CD or DVD when you give an online gift to help PowerPoint reach more people with the hope of eternal life. Along with Eternity Now, I will also send you a copy of my CD The Reality of Angels.

It’s our prayer this series helps you live in light of eternity… now!           

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries