PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

What it Means to Love Your Neighbor - Powerpoint - April 28

What it Means to Love Your Neighbor

April 28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.           

Galatians 3:28

There was a church back in the Jesus movement of the ’70s that was growing among many of the young street kids of the neighborhood. They had long hair, were dirty, and never really wore shoes. But they were just flocking to the church.

One day, the church decided to put some new baby blue carpeting in their sanctuary. And the first time those kids came in, they tracked dirt all over that brand new carpet. The building committee was furious, and demanded a sign be put up in the foyer that said, “No dirty feet allowed.”

The next Sunday, the chairman of that committee walked into the building for the Sunday service. He was shocked to see the sign had been taken down and the pastor of the church was on his knees with a bowl of water and a towel washing those kids’ feet right there in the foyer.

What does it really mean to love your neighbor? It doesn’t just mean accepting those who live near you and look like you. No, it’s receiving people into the body of Christ who look, act, and think differently from you with open arms. Don’t let your church become a country club. Let it be a place where people from all walks of life are welcomed to partake in the grace of God!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries