PowerPoint - Aug. 19, 2009
Finding God’s presence in trials
August 19, 2009
But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings….
--1 Peter 4:13
When trials come your way, they aren’t coming to taunt or to punish you. They are coming to prepare your soul for eternity!
You see, when we walk with God, trials test our faith in positive ways. They show us how we have grown in the Lord. And conversely, they can reveal where you and I may need to grow closer to God.
Nothing in this world can draw you closer to God than trials and suffering. But if you don’t view trials from God’s perspective, you’re going to miss out on some of the most extraordinary experiences you can have as a Christ-follower.
David’s well-known Psalm 23 painted a picture for us of how to endure suffering. He wrote, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil….”
And then his very next words were, “You are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me…. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” David’s testimony rejoices at having felt the very real and satisfying presence of God.
So let me ask you today, is this how you endure your shadowy trials? It can be.
Whatever trial you face, trust God to protect and guide you, and you will feel his presence in a way you never dreamed possible.
For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
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Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out
Dear Friend,
Do the words rested... peaceful... and refreshed describe you today? Or do the words stressed... rushed... and pressured better describe your way of life?
If you're like most Christians, you'd probably have to admit those last three words more accurately describe your life most of the time!
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way... even when your life is one big pressure-cooker. And in my new book, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out, I'll show you why.
Based on the principles from Paul's letter to the Philippians and Psalm 23, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out will help you find true peace and rest in a world that is anything but peaceful and restful. It's the perfect "pause" button you need!
So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today! --Jack Graham