PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Aug. 20, 2009

Dare to dream
August 20, 2009

“What is this dream that you have dreamed?...”

--Genesis 37:10

Today’s verse is a question that each of us should ask ourselves from time to time. And it’s the question that I want to ask you today.

What is the dream that keeps you awake at night? What is the dream that drives you forward and that would fulfill your purpose on earth?

Dreams are a wonderful tool that God uses to inspire you and me to think beyond ourselves. Dreams carry promise and hope and they encourage us to dare great achievements.  

But some people give up on their dreams too soon. Many reach midlife and begin to think that their dream could never happen… and they let it slip through their fingers. 

Listen, you must dream. If you’re not dreaming, you are dying!

So, what is the dream that you have dreamed?

Do you dream of having a godly marriage with great children who honor Christ?

Have you dreamed of a career that glorifies God?

Is it a dream of a ministry that gives back to the work of Christ and his church?

Whatever your dream is, hold it close and continue to believe. It’s not too late. You can still live the dream and fulfill the purpose for which God has made you.


For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
click here to listen to Dr. Graham's daily broadcast on OnePlace.com.


Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out

Dear Friend,

Do the words rested... peaceful... and refreshed describe you today? Or do the words stressed... rushed... and pressured better describe your way of life?
If you're like most Christians, you'd probably have to admit those last three words more accurately describe your life most of the time!
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way... even when your life is one big pressure-cooker. And in my new book, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out, I'll show you why.
Based on the principles from Paul's letter to the Philippians and Psalm 23, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out will help you find true peace and rest in a world that is anything but peaceful and restful. It's the perfect "pause" button you need!
So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today!  --Jack Graham