PowerPoint - Dec. 11, 2008
I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit—that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.
--Romans 9:1-2
You and I have an awesome job! We have the greatest mission known to man. Jesus said, “You shall be My witnesses.”
But how can we be most effective in our mission? Let’s look at the apostle Paul as an example. According to our Scripture verse for today, he had a sincere concern for souls.
Paul lived this concern every day. Do you have a sincere, genuine concern for people who do not know Jesus Christ?
You know, your zeal will never be greater than your convictions. Your compassion for people will never be greater than your commitment to the Word of God. I’ve noticed that the people who believe the Bible the most are the ones who share it the most.
Paul was a courageous Christian who boldly shared his faith. What made him so bold? His sincere concern. Paul was heartbroken over people who did not know Jesus.
Christ also wept for individuals. He was broken over the city of Jerusalem. When Jesus saw great crowds, He was moved with compassion.
How long has it been since you’ve been devastated by those who are spiritually lost? When was the last time you wept over someone dying without Christ? Sincere concern is the key to a great witness.