PowerPoint - Dec. 15, 2008
For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh.
--Romans 9:3
You probably have someone in your life who doesn’t know Jesus Christ. We all do. Do you have a plan to share the gospel with them?
Matthew, one of Jesus’ disciples, had a simple plan. He was a former tax collector who wanted some of his old friends to meet Jesus. So, he threw a party. They met Jesus and He changed their lives.
The apostle Paul took an even bolder approach. He was willing to do anything to save his fellow Jews from hell.
According to Romans 9:3, he seemed to be willing to even trade places with them in eternity!
That’s commitment! That’s compassion! But I don’t believe your plan has to go that far. God is just asking you to be willing to introduce Jesus to others. The Lord will do the rest.
Christian, God is looking for someone just like you. And the only requirement is to care. The greatest ability is availability. So make willingness part of your plan to introduce others to Jesus.