PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Dec. 18, 2007


December 18, 2007


“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”.



--Matthew 6:33


Are you giving God your best in every area of life?


Giving God your best not only means giving Him the best of your time and talents… it means being a good steward of what He’s given you as well!


You know, how you think about and handle money says a lot about who you trust and where you really find your significance. And it’s an expression of our faith, our hope, and our love as believers.


So often we say we trust God to meet our needs… yet we are stingy with our money! It’s easy to say, “When I make more money, I’ll give to the church,” or “I just need another raise, then I can start contributing to the work of God around the world.” Start giving to God’s Kingdom work now and trust that He will meet all your needs! I think today’s verse says it best, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”


Remember, as well, that giving God your best financially also expresses your hope for the future.


What good does it do to store up things on this earth? You came into this world with nothing and you will leave this world with nothing. But if you begin to invest in your future and in the Kingdom of God, then one day, when you stand before God and give an account of what you have done with your life, God can say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”


Finally, remember that giving God your best also says a great deal about your love for Him. God doesn’t want you giving out of guilt or because someone is making you. No, He wants you to give out of your love for Him and His church. Because God knows your heart and knows your motives, you can’t really disguise a hardened heart by writing a big check.


The bottom line is that God doesn’t need your money. What He really wants is your heart. So today, begin to look at giving to Him as a way of expressing your faith, hope, and love for Him!


how you think about and handle money says a lot about who you trust and where you really find your significance.