PowerPoint - Dec. 22, 2008
But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.
--Isaiah 64:8
According to today’s Scripture, you and I are like clay vessels made by God, the Master Potter.
And there are four kinds of people, or vessels. Which category do you fall into?
A vessel being formed. God is making and developing you. He’s creating something beautiful, according to His plan and purpose for your life. And as you cooperate and yield to His hands, you are being formed into a beautiful, purposeful creation.
A vessel fractured. Maybe your life seems to be out of control. Has your heart been broken? If you are a fractured, broken vessel, God can put the pieces back together. If you turn your life and struggles over to Him, He will put you back on the potter’s wheel and put your life back together again.
A vessel fixed. If you’ve experienced pain, but God has brought you through and restored your life, then you are a vessel fixed. You know the power of the Master Potter to restore, refresh, and renew because He’s done it for you!
A vessel finished. This is the most frightening condition. If you and I say no to God’s grace too many times, we can become hardened. Don’t let that happen to you! Accept God’s love and grace. Ask for His forgiveness!