PowerPoint - Dec. 28, 2007
December 28, 2007
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
--Romans 8:28
We all like to be in control… in control of what we wear, what we eat, how successful we are, where we live, how much money we make and so on. And most of us like to think we know it all too! Yet this kind of attitude can hinder what God wants to do in your livesfe.
As much as we want to be in control of everything, there are some things we just can’t control… things like sickness, death, natural disasters, car accidents. So many things really are outside our control! And it’s when we come to a place where we realize how limited our control is that we begin to depend on God.
The wonderful thing about God is that He can see the big picture. Don’t forget that. As today’s verse promises us, “…for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Sometimes the Lord reveals why certain trials happen to you. But other times, He doesn’t. One thing is for certain, though: God is in control and you can rest in that!
When you begin to hand over control to God, you will experience amazing freedom. No longer will you try to live up to the world’s expectations of what you should be, which you can never truly meet anyway.
This world is full of lies telling you that you’re never good enough. But God is good enough! And letting God be in control is where true happiness and contentment really are.
it’s when we come to a place where we realize how limited our control is that we begin to depend on God.