PowerPoint - Feb. 22, 2008
February 22, 2008
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
--Matthew 28:19-20
You know, it would be criminal if you discovered the cure for cancer, but kept it to yourself. Yet at the same time, many Christians have found eternal life in Christ, but never tell others about it!
The fact is, if you know Christ, you will want to make Him known. If you believe He has forgiven all your sins and changed your life and given you a hope and future that is forever with Him, how can you not speak of Him?
Today, if you’re a child of God, I want to encourage you to think about the difference Christ has made in your life. What thoughts do you not have now that you used to have? What habits did you use to be slave to that you aren’t any more? What peace have you found now that used to elude you?
Then, I’d like to challenge you to share the ways Christ has changed your life with one person this week. It doesn’t have to be some forced conversation. It can be something as simple as a short note of encouragement to someone who’s hurting. Or it can be a phone call to let someone know you’re praying for them.
Whatever God leads you to do, do it! If you’re scared or nervous, just ask God to give you the power and boldness—through the name of Jesus Christ—to share Him with someone else.
I truly believe as you commit to sharing Christ with others, God will give you a measure of boldness you may never have known before. And I believe He will use you to impact others for Him!