PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - Feb. 28, 2012


How should you come to Christ?

February 28, 2012

Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”           

Acts 8:35-36

As a pastor, I perform wedding ceremonies for couples in all kinds of emotional conditions. I’ve seen couples who cry all the way through the ceremony. There have been times between the wedding party and the couple, we went through an entire box of tissue because they just cried and cried.

I’ve also seen others where there’s no emotion; it’s like a business deal. I’ll ask, “Do you take…” And with a straight face they look right at each other and give a very simple, “I do.”

But in each of the examples above, who’s more married? The ones with all the emotion, or the ones with none of the emotion? The answer is obvious… they’re all married! What matters is whether or not they made a commitment in their hearts to one another.

Christians love good “come to Jesus” stories that are filled with emotion and drama. But that’s not how it always goes as we see in today’s passage. This man simply knew he had a need, and looked to have it met. So when it comes to placing your faith in Christ, don’t worry if you didn’t have a huge, mountaintop emotive experience. What matters is that you trusted in Him with your heart and now you’re His forever!


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Understand what’s visible by unveiling the Invisible!

Dear Friend,

While so many people today only focus on what’s visible, there’s an invisible realm that’s just as real and just as active as the physical world you see.

Yet as you go about your daily life, it can be easy to forget that truth, which puts you right in the crosshairs of the evil one.

In this eye-opening 10-message series called Invisible, you’ll come along with me as I exploresuch topics as the existence of angels, the battle for your mind, and what heaven is really like. After hearing it, you’ll be better equipped to have real victory in the spiritual realm!

I want to send youInvisible to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today. I know you’ll never see your physical world the same once you unveil the Invisible!

Thank you for your gift. I’m so grateful for you!

Jack Graham