PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Jan. 11, 2008


January 11, 2008


“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin….”


--Mark 3:28-29


Time and time again in the Bible we’re introduced to a caring, compassionate, loving God who says, “You matter to Me! You matter so much that I come to you at the point of your need, even your sin. I died on the cross for your sin.”


The very reason Jesus came was so that, by His cross, He might forgive us of our sin. And the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from every sin! Not some sins, every sin!


So the Scripture tells us that any sin and every sin can be forgiven. Except one. And Jesus told us about this particular sin. This sin which is unpardonable, this sin which is unforgivable according to Jesus Christ.


It’s not the sin of murder… or perversion… or adultery. It’s the sin we read about in today’s verses: whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin. And what does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?


It means saying NO to Christ, NO to God, and NO to the Holy Spirit enough times for God to give up on you.


This sin is a sin that takes place invisibly, sometimes imperceptibly in the heart of an individual. It’s not something a man says, it’s not something a woman does… it is the unpardonable sin to reject one last time the salvation provided through Jesus Christ.


Please don’t get the idea that a person can come to Christ and be saved anytime he or she chooses. The Bible tells us that no man can come to Christ unless the Holy Spirit draws that individual to come. And there can come a place in a person’s life wherein they have said no to the wooing and the winning of the Holy Spirit in their lives so many times that they say no for the last time.


It’s my prayer today… if you’ve never said YES to Christ… that you will accept the free gift of eternal life!


The very reason Jesus came was so that, by His cross, He might forgive us of our sin!