PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Jan. 14, 2008


January 14, 2008


Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.


--James 5:7


Each follower of Christ has a specific calling of God on their life. But there is one call that’s the same for each of us: Every believer in Jesus Christ has the responsibility to be a spiritual farmer.


What I mean by this is that every Christian is called by God to share the life-saving message of Jesus Christ with others!


And there are certain qualities that spiritual farmers exhibit. As we review these, ask yourself how well these qualities reflect you personally.


One, spiritual farmers sow seed with personal concern. They put the Word out there with a burden and water it with their tears. They are personally invested in witnessing to others! So the first characteristic of a spiritual farmer is that they care deeply about the lost.


Two, spiritual farmers realize the importance of partnership. They realize that it’s going to take more than just a few of us to broadcast the Good News around the world.


Three, being a spiritual farmer requires patience, as we see in today’s verse. James 5:7 is telling us that we need to be sowing seeds at all times… regardless of whether or not we think that seed is taking root!


Today, it’s my prayer that God will burn on your heart an even greater passion to share the Good News with others. And as He does, I hope you will be encouraged in knowing that you are answering God’s ultimate call on your life!


every Christian is called by God to share the life-saving message of Jesus Christ with others!