PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Jan. 27, 2009

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life
--Proverbs 4:23

The Bible says you should guard, or watch, your heart. Why? Because your heart is your core being. It’s your character. And out of your heart the rest of your life’s story will unfold.

So, guard your heart. Protect it. Here’s how according to Scripture.

Purpose to live a pure life. Don’t live by preferences, but by convictions.

Prepare for ambush. Expect and detect temptation. Know your vulnerabilities and your weaknesses. Be honest with yourself and guard your eyes. Run from temptation.

Practice spiritual disciplines. Strengthen your heart with the Word of God. Keep a vital prayer life.

Ponder the consequences. Think about the effect on your life if you don’t guard your heart. If you don’t guard your heart, you can lose your spiritual influence and the right to lead your family.

Partner with other believers. Become accountable. Partner with another believer or group of believers who you trust and who can hold you up in prayer. Find someone who will listen to you and with whom you can be transparent.