PowerPoint - Jan. 5, 2009
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger…
--Ephesians 6:4
If you are a parent, you have been given a great responsibility—to give your children roots. God has commanded you to ground them in faith so that in the future, they may take wings and fly.
In Ephesians 6:4 the apostle Paul offers some ways you and I can do this. One is to BUILD YOUR CHILD UP.
Be a positive parent, not a negative one. Encourage rather than exasperate your children. We provoke our children when we neglect them or when we compare them to each other or to other kids.
You have the power to tear down or build up your child. Every child is potentially a winner. But to succeed, your child needs you cheering him or her on. Your child needs constant affirmation to build confidence.
I’ve heard it described as “emotional nutrition.” Encouragement is to the soul and spirit like food is to the body.
Now, I’m also talking about building your child up in a home environment in which your child can know Christ as soon as possible. You are the best evangelist for your own children!
When you build your home on the foundation that is in Jesus Christ, you set your children up for success.