PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

What it Means for You to Live a Genuine Life - PowerPoint - January 26

What It Means for You to Live a Genuine Life

January 26

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

A little boy was out in the backyard one day just passing the afternoon away. Suddenly, he saw a huge rat. Knowing his mom and dad didn’t want rats around the house, he grabbed a baseball bat and took care of that rat fairly quickly. He was so excited that he wanted to tell his parents right away.

So he went inside and yelled, “Mom, Dad… you’re not going to believe it! I found a rat, hit him in the head with my baseball bat five times, and them I stomped on it!” Just then, the boy noticed the pastor of the church was in the living room visiting with his parents. So he finished his story, “And then the Lord called him home.”

It’s funny how many people change who they are when the pastor’s around. Every now and then, I’ll get hooked up to play golf with some guys who curse like sailors. So at about the 9th hole, they’ll find out I’m a pastor, and they play the rest of the day like a bunch of saints!

People with true character are those who live authentically in every area of their life. They’re the same people on Saturday night that they are on Sunday morning. So don’t put on a morality show for the religious crowd. Live a genuine life every day of the week!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries