PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - July 3, 2012


How you can lead others to do great things

July 3, 2012

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.           

1 Peter 5:1-3

I heard about a lady who was married three times. The first time she married a grocer. He died, so she married a tailor. Well, it turns out he died as well, so she married a preacher.

She was asked why she married these different kinds of men. And she said, “Well, I married the grocer so that I could eat for nothing. I married the tailor so I could dress for nothing. And I married the preacher so I could be good for nothing!”

It’s an unfortunate reality that many preachers and leaders in the Christian community today really don’t serve as they should. Yes, they rally their churches to do great things for the Kingdom, but when it comes to actually getting in and doing the work of ministry, many are noticeably absent. And this doesn’t apply solely to church leaders. Many are good at saying, “We need to do XYZ,” but when it comes time to begin, they’re nowhere to be found!

I’m often asked, “What does the Church need today?” Well, the people of God need to be rallied and led by those who will step into the trenches with them. And whether you realize it or not, you can be the one to lead them. So step up and do great things for God, leading others when you do. That’s exactly what the Church needs today!



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Dear Friend,

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These two resources will help you build the kind of faith that will weather the storms of life and conquer your doubts. And they’re my gifts to thank you for your donation to help PowerPoint Ministries continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I pray these resources will strengthen and encourage you for powerful daily living!

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries