PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Overcoming the Plague of Spiritual Laziness - Powerpoint - July 9

Overcoming the Plague of Spiritual Laziness

July 9

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:10-11

Our nation is plagued by workaholics. People put in all kinds of hours at their jobs, and then come home with barely enough energy to spend time with our families. And the truth is, we’re more often than not as busy as we want to be. We load ourselves down with tasks because secretly, many people find their value in the number of things they accomplish.

This holds true when it comes to jobs. But sadly, too many Christians have completely forgotten how to be busy in the work of Jesus Christ. They sit and watch on Sunday, maybe giving a little here and there to pay for their seat at the “show.” then go home and get ready to start it all again on Monday.

Yes, when it comes to faith, many of us are watchers rather than witnesses… spectators rather than soldiers. But the Great Commission isn’t to go and sit in church! It’s to go and make disciples. That takes work!

Every single one of us has a gift to be used for the Kingdom of God. Whether it’s the gift of hospitality, leadership, service, teaching, or whatever God has given you, use it. Save time and energy for the work of the ministry and build up the body of Christ!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries