How to Experience True Happiness in Marriage - PowerPoint - July 12
How to Experience True Happiness in Marriage
July 12
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
I heard about a little boy who was misbehaving one day. So his mom sent him to timeout for a few minutes. She sat him down in the corner and told him, “You sit right here until you’re ready to start behaving yourself.”
The little boy looked at his mom and said, “I’ll sit down, but I want you to know I’m standing up on the inside!”
There’s a difference between true obedience and stubborn obedience. And in marriage, there’s a difference between heartfelt submission to God’s design and rebellious submission. A rebelliously obedient husband may think, “I’ll love and lead my wife sacrificially, but I’m going to let her know I’m not happy about it!”
On the other hand, a rebelliously obedient wife may think, “I’ll submit to my husband’s leadership, but I’m going to always second-guess him.”
Rebellious obedience is the same as disobedience. So obey God’s design for marriage with a joyful heart. When you have that kind of attitude, you’ll experience a deeper joy as you align your heart with God’s will for you!
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PowerPoint Ministries