PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - June 13, 2008

June 13, 2008

Therefore take up the whole armor of God… and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.

--Ephesians 6:13, 17-18

When you think of the devil, do you imagine a cartoon-like character with horns and a pitchfork tail? Or do you see Satan as a very real enemy and a powerful force?

Too many people are deceived into thinking that the devil doesn’t even exist!

Let me assure you, the devil is no figment of your imagination. He is real and he’s on a mission of destruction. You cannot and must not attempt to defeat him in your own strength.

The devil is a master of deceit and he is constantly working to keep people in darkness and to lure believers away from the truth. And one of the primary ways he tempts people to sin is by attacking their minds!

It’s important to stay alert to the fact that the devil is relentlessly trying to corrupt your thought life. If he can bring confusion, doubt, or lies into your mind, he can influence your behavior. He has drawn many people away from Christ this way.

But although the devil is a powerful opposing force, he is not as powerful as our God!

Remember, Satan is a created being. Unlike our God, he is not all-powerful… he is not all-knowing… and he cannot be everywhere at the same time. Furthermore, he has already been defeated by the finished work of Jesus on the cross!

Yes, we must still fight the devil and resist his attacks… but we fight with the knowledge of how his story will end.

And how do we fight this spiritual enemy we cannot see?

As we read in Ephesians 6, God has provided spiritual weapons for you and me to use as we fight in this spiritual battle. And, according to our verse today, two powerful ways you can defeat the enemy is by using the Word of God and prayer.

As you face challenges of various kinds, let the Scripture be in your heart and your mind… and also on your lips. And equally important, be faithful in prayer. This will not only strengthen your own spirit, but unleash the power of heaven against the devil!

In the midst of the battle, remember that Jesus Himself is praying for you. Don’t be troubled by the devil and his efforts to destroy… just keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and the victory He has won!