PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - June 13, 2011


How do you know if you’re a Christian?

June 13, 2011

And Agrippa said to Paul, “In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?” And Paul said, “Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am—except for these chains.”

Acts 26:28-29

How do you know you’re a Christian? If you asked many people in church today, you might hear, “Well, I think I prayed a prayer to receive Christ.” Or, they may tell you, “I came forward during an invitation.” But becoming a Christian is much more significant than simply praying a prayer or walking an aisle. It means moving from death to life.

As you look back at your life, has there been a moment of decision to follow Christ? Do you know that it’s happened to you?

Now, I don’t necessarily believe that you have to remember the exact minute, hour, or day, but you should know that there was a definite moment in your life when you passed from death to life. How can you pass from death unto life and not know it? One man said, “If you can be saved and not know it, then you could lose it and never miss it.”

I know that I’m saved because I made a decision and I was just a little boy and my life has never been the same. So if you’ve never come to a point in your life where you’ve said, “Jesus, I admit I’m a sinner, and I trust full in your death and resurrection for the forgiveness of my sins,” would you do that today? If you confess that and believe it in your heart, you can be sure you’ve moved from death to life in the family of Christ!



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Discover God’s awesome purpose for your life!

Dear Friend,

Every life, including yours, is a plan of God. That means that your life has a purpose… a destiny. And God wants to help you discover just what your destiny is!

In my new series called Destiny: God’s Favor – Your Future, you’ll learn from the life of Joseph that YOUR life has a purpose. You’ll learn to discover the dreams God has for your life. And you’ll see how those dreams can lead you to your God-given purpose and destiny!

Part One of Destiny: God’s Favor – Your Future is my gift to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today, so please request it when you give.

It is my prayer that this resource will help you discover how God is weaving his awesome plan in your life!

In Christ,

Jack Graham