PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - June 14, 2011


Letting God’s light shine through you

June 14, 2011

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

Several years ago, some West Point cadets were sitting in their dorm room discussing all kinds of issues. It was one of those late night sessions where they were talking about anything and everything.

So the subject of Christianity came up and they asked the question, “What is a Christian?” And as they began to bat around the idea a bit, one after another gave his opinion on what a Christian is.

After a few hours of not really getting anywhere, one young cadet stopped the conversation dead when he said, “A Christian is Charles Jones.” Now, Charles Jones was a fellow cadet who was known for his kindness and willingness to go the extra mile for others because of his faith in Christ.

I wonder how that conversation would go if your friends were having a discussion over coffee and asked, “What is a Christian?” Would anybody mention your name? Are you so identified with Jesus Christ that people know who you are and what you believe?

Being a Christian is more than just lip service. It’s living your life in such a way that others see a difference in you. So as you go throughout your life, let others see God’s grace and love in you!


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Discover God’s awesome purpose for your life!

Dear Friend,

Every life, including yours, is a plan of God. That means that your life has a purpose… a destiny. And God wants to help you discover just what your destiny is!

In my new series called Destiny: God’s Favor – Your Future, you’ll learn from the life of Joseph that YOUR life has a purpose. You’ll learn to discover the dreams God has for your life. And you’ll see how those dreams can lead you to your God-given purpose and destiny!

Part One of Destiny: God’s Favor – Your Future is my gift to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today, so please request it when you give.

It is my prayer that this resource will help you discover how God is weaving his awesome plan in your life!

In Christ,

Jack Graham