PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - June 20, 2007

June 20, 2007


But the Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame.


--Isaiah 50:7


What does a life of success God’s way produce? It produces a life of significance. A life of godly success is a life of true significance.


At the young age of 17, Joseph knew where he was going. God had given him a purpose in life…a purpose he pursued with all his heart. And so it is with the man or woman who lives a significant life. They have a purpose and a reason to get up every day. They are enthusiastic about life!


As children of God, we have such a life as we’re on mission for Him! This is what a life of significance is all about. And this sense of calling, this sense of compelling, this sense of purpose makes our life worth living.


Is your life driven by a sense of direction every day? Is your life one that is filled with a reason to get up in the morning?


It’s my prayer today that you will attack the opportunities that God has put before you this day. Squeeze every moment out of the life that God has promised you! If you do, you will live a life that is truly successful…and significant.


A life of success is a life of significance!