The Key to Living a Regret-Free Life - Powerpoint - July 3
The Key to Living a Regret-Free Life
July 3
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
I love learning about some of the great heroes of the church and their attitudes in the face of so much hardship. One of those great saints is a missionary by the name of David Brainerd, who lived at the beginning of the 18th century, toiled among the Native American tribes, and died at the young age of 29 from tuberculosis.
Late in his short life, David’s disease had a severe grip on him, so much that he was coughing up blood. Sick and dying, Brainerd wrote in his journal, “I long to be a flame of fire, continually glowing in the divine service in building Christ’s Kingdom to my last and dying moment.”
What passion; what commitment to get excited about Jesus Christ and be aflame with the spirit of God when death is at your doorstep. Yet as I look at the church today, I see many Christians who are too cool and too casual instead of being fervent in serving the Lord!
God wants all of you. He doesn’t want cool and casual Christianity, but radical obedience to Him until your dying breath. Grace is a free gift, but your response to it says everything about the reality of the gift itself. Give your all to Christ until your last breath. When you do, you’ll have no regrets as you enter His presence forever!
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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries