PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - June 5, 2013

How You Can Live A Guilt-Free Life

June 5, 2013

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

I heard about a man in England years ago who bought a brand new Rolls Royce. He had an upcoming trip that would take him all the way to Eastern Europe, but he couldn’t bear to leave his new car at home. So he shipped it to the mainland and drove all the way to Eastern Europe.

He had almost reached his destination when, on a regular stop to fill up with gas, his car wouldn’t start back up. So he called the dealer where he bought the car, and they flew a mechanic all the way to Eastern Europe to fix it. “Wow,” he thought, “that’s service!”

As his trip went on, he began to wonder how much they were going to bill him. So he called the dealer again and said, “My car broke down, you flew a mechanic to fix it, and I wanted to know how much it’s going to cost me.” There was a long pause, then the dealer spoke up, “Sir, there’s no record in our files of anything ever going wrong with a Rolls Royce!”

The devil accuses us of wrong; maybe our friends accuse; we accuse ourselves. But if we have received the righteousness of Jesus Christ, God says, “There’s no record in My file that My child has ever done anything wrong!” Praise God today that in Christ, you’re never guilty in His eyes! 


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Get the best from 2012 to be your best in 2013

Dear Friend,

While many pastors shy away from addressing controversial issues, I sincerely believe you need to hear straight, “bulls-eye” biblical teaching on many of today’s hot topics. Not only to grow in your faith as a believer, but to give winsome, compassionate answers to the hard questions our culture is asking.

That’s why I want to send you a special new resource today – my CD series called The Best of 2012.

This series contains 10 of my most popular and compelling messages from 2012, and it’s a resource that’s sure to help you in 2013 because it includes messages such as, “Are All Religions the Same?”, “Lessons on Leadership,” and “What Is a Christian?”

The Best of 2012 is my gift to thank you for your donation to help PowerPoint continue to proclaim God’s Word and truth ’til the whole world hears. So please request your copy when you give today.

Thank you!

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries