PowerPoint - June 6, 2007
June 6, 2007
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
--Isaiah 40:31
Today’s verse is a promise from God that I’ve put my trust in for many, many years. Because so often when we’re in a “wait” mode in life, it’s tempting to push
The word Providence isn’t a word we use much today, but you can think of it like “pro-video”…that God can see the future and what will happen in our lives. But not only can He see what’s going to happen, He’s leading us and working all things together for His glory and our good!
Perhaps today…
…You feel like you’ve been treated unfairly.
…That business deal you just knew would go through disappeared.
…That promotion you were expecting didn’t happen.
…Someone made a promise to you in marriage and didn’t keep that promise.
…You’ve prayed for your health or the health of someone you love and you’ve been
given nothing but sickness.
…All the doors you desire to be open seem to have been shut!
And maybe you wonder, “Where is God in the midst of my trials? How am I to respond?”
If God has you in some “wait” training today, remember that He puts a premium on patience and perseverance. And know that adversity can produce possibilities that you could never imagine in your life! Wait on God and trust in Him today.
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).
adversity can produce possibilities in your life that you could never imagine!