PowerPoint - Mar. 9, 2010
The devil's strategies
March 9, 2010
… so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.
--2 Corinthians 2:11
You and I don't have to be "outwitted by Satan." The apostle Paul came to recognize the devil's strategies, and so can you and I. We can understand our enemy and be wise to his ways.
The Scripture is clear in its description of the devil. He's called the prince of darkness, the accuser of the brethren, the adversary, the ruler of the powers of the air, the ruler of wickedness, the god of this age, and the god of this world.
And beyond knowing who he is, we can also understand how he works. The devil works in collusion with the systems of this world and the lust of the flesh. He plays to our sinful nature that lives to be gratified, and comes at us with worldly temptations. He even tried this with Jesus, remember?
Jesus had gone to the wilderness alone at the outset of his earthly ministry, and Satan tempted him with personal ambition, spiritual allegiance, and physical appetites. But Jesus resisted the devil and revealed the ways of the enemy in the process.
And because he was victorious over Satan's ways, we can be victorious in Christ Jesus!
Know your enemy and give him no ground in your life. You are more than a conqueror through Jesus!
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Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out
Dear Friend,
Do the words rested... peaceful... and refreshed describe you today? Or do the words stressed... rushed... and pressured better describe your way of life?
If you're like most Christians, you'd probably have to admit those last three words more accurately describe your life most of the time!
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way... even when your life is one big pressure-cooker. And in my new book, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out, I'll show you why.
Based on the principles from Paul's letter to the Philippians and Psalm 23, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out will help you find true peace and rest in a world that is anything but peaceful and restful. It's the perfect "pause" button you need!
So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today! --Jack Graham