PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.
--Hebrews 11:8

The faith Abraham displayed is one of the greatest in all of Scripture… and we can learn so much from how he trusted God even in incredibly difficult circumstances.

And you know, God just may be calling you right now to do something great for His Kingdom. So let me ask you: Are you willing to step out, to leave that which is familiar to you, to follow His direction?

Abraham left everything he knew… his hometown and friends… to follow the call of God on his life. God may be calling you into the unknown. The question is, are you willing to go?

It can certainly be frightening to abandon what you know to follow the Lord in obedience. But if your faith is real and genuine… like Abraham’s… and you trust God completely with your life… then any road you travel down will ultimately be a blessing!


For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
click here to listen to Dr. Graham's daily broadcast on OnePlace.com.


Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out

Dear Friend,

Do the words rested... peaceful... and refreshed describe you today? Or do the words stressed... rushed... and pressured better describe your way of life?
If you're like most Christians, you'd probably have to admit those last three words more accurately describe your life most of the time!
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way... even when your life is one big pressure-cooker. And in my new book, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out, I'll show you why.
Based on the principles from Paul's letter to the Philippians and Psalm 23, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out will help you find true peace and rest in a world that is anything but peaceful and restful. It's the perfect "pause" button you need!
So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today!  --Jack Graham