PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - May 19, 2011


Signing your life over to God

May 19, 2011

“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Luke 22:42

I used to have some little Scripture plaques and sayings hanging around in my office, and one that I especially liked said this: “Lord, Thy will anywhere, anytime, any cost.” And let me tell you, that prayer is both the most dangerous and the safest prayer you could ever pray.

That prayer is dangerous because you don’t know where God will lead you. He may have a completely different will for your life that he wants to reveal to you. But it’s also very safe because there’s no better and more secure place to be than directly in the will of God.

In life, there are big decisions and small decisions everyone has to make. But no matter how big or how small the decisions you may face, you should always ask yourself first what God wants for you. From something as small as deciding whether or not to dwell on a sinful thought or something as big as a career or family decision, it’s important to think, “What does God want me to do here?”

I want to challenge you to take a blank sheet of paper, sign it at the bottom, and tell God, “You fill in the blank with whatever you want from me.” And allow him to speak to you about some of the decisions you’re facing today. God desires nothing less than a complete commitment of your life to him because he knows that’s where real life will be found!


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Dear Friend,

At some point, everyone goes through a difficult season, left wondering when God would come through. That’s why I want to send you my new booklet, God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days.

In this booklet, I share how the tragedy of my father’s murder revealed to me God’s steady comfort during times of trial. And I share in this booklet the four promises God makes as you search for comfort in the midst of your doubts.

God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days is my gift to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today, so please request it when you give.

It’s my prayer this resource will help you see how God works his good plans in you—especially during doubt-filled days!

Jack Graham

PowerPoint Ministries