PowerPoint - May 25, 2009
The source of America’s greatness
May 25, 2009
And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
--Genesis 12:2
Just as Israel was a nation promised by God, I believe that God Almighty has ordained and established and blessed this great nation we know as America.
America was born in the hearts of men and women who trusted in God and who believed that this nation was the fulfillment of his plan on earth. And America, like Israel, was founded upon biblical principles and the Judeo-Christian ethic.
Now today, there are those who say that America was founded as a secular nation by humanists. My friends, this is simply not true! The men and the women who began this great nation were people of faith.
The blessings that you and I enjoy in America have been possible because our founders professed to be one nation under God.
President James Madison said, “We have staked the future of government… and the future of all our political institutions on the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments.”
But unfortunately, our country is gradually and systematically being seduced to abandon the Word of God. It is an absolute exercise in futility to pass tougher laws, to build more prisons, and to provide better education and police protection when we are intent on excluding God from our lives.
You and I must realize that without God we are finished as a nation.
On this Memorial Day, I want you to remember that America is great not because we are stronger or smarter than other nations. No. America’s greatness is the lone result of God’s gracious blessing! Period.
Give thanks to God for all who built this nation on the foundation of his word, and for those who have given their lives to defend her. Then purpose in your heart to live in obedience to God that we may remain one nation under God!
For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
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Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out
Dear Friend,
Do the words rested... peaceful... and refreshed describe you today? Or do the words stressed... rushed... and pressured better describe your way of life?
If you're like most Christians, you'd probably have to admit those last three words more accurately describe your life most of the time!
The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way... even when your life is one big pressure-cooker. And in my new book, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out, I'll show you why.
Based on the principles from Paul's letter to the Philippians and Psalm 23, Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out will help you find true peace and rest in a world that is anything but peaceful and restful. It's the perfect "pause" button you need!
So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today! --Jack Graham