PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - May 31, 2011


Understanding God’s mercy and grace in your life

May 31, 2011

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

I heard about a lady who went to have her picture taken at a studio. When they showed her the prints, she said, “These prints don’t do me justice.”

So the photographer looked at her and said, “Ma’am, you don’t need justice; you need mercy!”

When it comes to ourselves, you and I both prefer mercy over justice, don’t we? If you’ve ever been caught speeding, you’re hoping that the officer will show you mercy and let you off without a ticket.

Now, there’s a difference between mercy and grace. Mercy is when God doesn’t give us what we do deserve. You receive mercy when you’ve done something wrong and God relents in his punishment. But grace is God giving us something that we don’t deserve. So you get grace when you gain something for which you never worked.

God’s mercy and grace, his pardon and his blessing, are given to us by the blood of Jesus Christ. Both of them are available to you because Christ died on the cross for your sins. Every sin, every blur, every blot, and every blemish is pardoned by the blood of Christ so that you can be blessed beyond your imagination!


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Dear Friend,

At some point, everyone goes through a difficult season, left wondering when God would come through. That’s why I want to send you my new booklet, God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days.

In this booklet, I share how the tragedy of my father’s murder revealed to me God’s steady comfort during times of trial. And I share in this booklet the four promises God makes as you search for comfort in the midst of your doubts.

God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days is my gift to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today, so please request it when you give.

It’s my prayer this resource will help you see how God works his good plans in you—especially during doubt-filled days!

Jack Graham

PowerPoint Ministries