PowerPoint - May 7, 2007
May 7, 2007
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
--1 Corinthians 10:13
Over the years, as I have read Genesis 3, I have often asked myself a very obvious question. Why was Eve just hanging around and talking to the serpent? I’m not really sure why she was there, but hanging out by the forbidden tree was not the place to be that day!
When Satan tempts you and me, the Bible is very clear as to what we are supposed to do: Run! The Bible says to flee the devil and his temptations. We shouldn’t try to debate him. We just need to get out of there!
Getting into a debate or discussion with Satan is a losing proposition. We aren’t smart enough or powerful enough to outwit him. And Eve learned that the hard way!
It really comes down to personal choice. The devil will always come at us with the same lies. And God knows that we are weaker than Satan, and that’s why He gives us a “back door” of escape in every temptation. It’s our choice whether we resist him or engage him.
But unfortunately, we can sometimes let our pride get the better of us and we end up doing things our way. I encourage you today, when Satan throws temptation your way, turn to God and ask Him to show you that way of escape. And when He does, take it and run as fast as you can from that enemy of your soul!