PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Nov. 19, 2007


November 19, 2007


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.


--Philippians 1:21


There are five things that need to happen in your life and my life before true revival can occur.


These include things like striving to live out the Word of God every day, exalting Christ in your thoughts and actions, overcoming when it’s tempting to give up, and admitting and confronting sin. It also includes looking forward with anticipation to Christ’s return. We are to expect the Kingdom!


But let me ask you, what are you striving for today? Is it the next promotion, the next newer, bigger house? What is it? Do you long for the things of this world… or do you long for the things not of this world?


As the apostle Paul says in today’s verse, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul looked forward with anticipation to heaven… and so should we! Because when you live with your mind and affection focused on heaven, it puts a purpose to what you’re doing here on earth.


Now, perhaps you’d say today, “Pastor, I don’t look forward to going to heaven because I’m not sure I’d go there when I die.” If so, you can be sure today that your eternal home will be with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.


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when you live with your mind and affection focused on heaven, it puts a purpose to what you’re doing here on earth.