PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

How Your Thankfulness Can Be a Witness - Powerpoint - November 29

How Your Thankfulness Can Be a Witness

November 29

“… and forgive us our debts,
      as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Matthew 6:12

I was driving down the street one day and pulled up behind a man at a red light. I looked at his car and I saw a bumper sticker on the back that said, “Honk, if you love Jesus.” So the light turned green, and as I got in the left lane to pass him, I beeped my horn a few times and waved.

Well, I apparently infuriated that fellow. He had forgotten about the bumper sticker, so he threw his hands up in the air and started yelling at me out his window. I couldn’t tell exactly what he said, but I know for sure it wasn’t “Jesus loves you.”

As a believer, you’re going to live your life under a microscope. When people find out you’re a Christian, they’re going to look at how you live your life and make a judgment by seeing your attitude toward others and how thankful you are to God for the blessings He’s given you. Fair or not, that’s how it goes!

So how do we live in front of a watching world? Humbly. Accept that you’re not perfect. Give thanks for the many blessings in your life, knowing who gave them to you. Ask forgiveness when you make mistakes and show grace when others do. Serve the Lord passionately and you’ll be a powerful witness to a watching world.


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries