PowerPoint - Oct. 27, 2008
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.
--Psalm 127:3
Do your children know that you love them unconditionally? Do they believe that no matter what they face, no matter how they fail, you love them without question?
As parents, you and I have to look into our children’s eyes and tell them that, yes, there are rules and standards in the home, but nothing they do can stop you from loving them. Your children must know that you love them absolutely and unconditionally.
Why? Because that’s how much God loves us. He loves us not based on our performance or appearance. By His grace He accepts us as we are… warts and all. And when you love your child as God loves you, it will impact your child for life.
You and I need to tell our children we love them, but we also have to show them!
How do you show love? First, with acceptance. A child needs at least one place on earth where he or she is accepted. Now, I’m not suggesting you lower your morals or your values.
But if your son or daughter gets into trouble, are you going to love them through it? Can your child come to you and share their hurt, brokenness, and sin and find forgiveness, love, and acceptance?
Love is not only expressed in acceptance, but also in affection. Your home needs to be filled with love and affection. And one of the best ways you can show your child acceptance and affection is through your time.
You also show love through affirmation. Are you constantly finding fault in your child? Or do you find things to be proud about? Learn to encourage your child by finding something good that they are doing and telling them about it.
Keep this in mind:
• If you express your love by acceptance, it will produce significance in your child’s life.
• If you express your life by affection, it will produce security in a child’s life.
• And if you give your child love by affirmation, it will produce self-esteem in your child’s life.