PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Oct. 8, 2007

October 8, 2007


…as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.


--Psalm 103:12


One of the most effective tricks Satan plays on Christians is to convince us that our sins aren’t really forgiven…despite the promise of God’s Word.


But if you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savior, that uneasy feeling of wondering whether or not you are forgiven comes straight from the devil.


Many believers can quote verses that tell of the forgiveness of Christ…they can feel bad about their sins…and even confess and turn from them. But deep in their hearts, they don’t really believe they are fully forgiven.


You see, Satan wants to remind us of our past transgressions, and he uses those to prove that God couldn’t possibly forgive or restore us. The devil’s attacks make it a challenge for us to simply rest in the promises of God and trust His love.


But Psalm 103 tells us that God not only forgives our sins, but removes them completely from His presence. This is a very difficult concept for human beings to grasp, which is why I think it’s so easy for us to worry and wonder about forgiveness instead of just accepting it.


Do you still worry about the sins in your past? Do you ask for forgiveness, but still have an uneasy or guilty feeling? Give those doubts to the Lord today, and rest in His promise of forgiveness.